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Research, Development, and Innovation Partnerships

The EyeSaaS team is proud and happy to be working with a lot of strong partners and projects within research, development, and innovation.

Here at Eye Networks we are proud and pleased to be working with several strong partners and projects within research, development, and innovation.

The eye@home Project

For all the chatter about smart homes and Internet of Things -- today's at-home wifi is barely keeping up with today's usage and needs. It definitely doesn't provide the stable and reliable access required for, say, more health technologies in the home.

The eye@home project was launched as part of the development and honing of the EyeSaaS platform and the EyeSaaS Pearl service in particular.

The goal of EyeSaaS Pearl is to enable ISPs to develop tomorrow's services, adapted to the needs of users. We want to do this by providing them with the tools to gather and interpret large quantities of data in real time.

Main project partners in eye@home:

  • Norwegian ISP Enivest
  • University of Oslo / Department of Technology Systems
  • Eye Networks / EyeSaaS

Through Enivest's close relationship with their customers and our collaboration with AirTies, the project gathers representatives of all stakeholders in the home wifi value chain.

A select group of Enivest customers is supplied with AirTies access points using mesh technology, which is managed by EyeSaaS Pearl, made available to Enivest tech and support staff for improved insight into the home networks.

In collaboration with the other project partners, EyeSaaS is exploring data quality, data requirements, and how to transform data to information that stakeholders can act on.

The SCOTT Project

Creating trust in wireless solutions and increasing their social acceptance are the goals of the European project SCOTT—Secure COnnected Trustable Things.

SCOTT gathers 57 key partners from 12 countries (EU and Brazil) through EU's ECSEL Joint Undertaking, and will provide comprehensive cost-efficient solutions of wireless, end-to-end secure, trustworthy connectivity and interoperability.

SCOTT will not just deal with 'things that are connected', but with 'trustable things that securely communicate'—that is, things interconnected by dependable wireless technology that values the end-users' privacy rules.

EyeSaaS has taken the lead on “Managed Wifi for Trustable Services”, expecting that future applications need much stricter security and privacy requirements than today. Examples of such applications are alarm services in the home, health services, and software updates for safety-critical devices such as cars.

We expect that our involvement, together with the 7 other Norwegian partners, will lead to a showcase on Managed Wifi.

The IoTSec.no Initiative

IoTSec—Security in IoT for Smart Grids—was established in 2015 to promote the development of a safe and secure Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled smart power grid infrastructure. The IoTSec research project has received funding from the Research Council of Norway (RCN) to contribute to a safe information society.

IoTSec addresses the basic needs for a reliable and efficient, uninterrupted power network with dynamic configuration and security properties. It also addresses the needs of businesses and end users of additional IoT services by exploring use cases for value-added services, with the intent to design the building blocks for future services; services that consider the necessary security and privacy preconditions of successfully deployed large-scale services.

EyeSaaS joined the IoTSec Initiative to provide our expertise on Managed Wifi for Smart Home services, applications, and devices. Though Smart Meters will have the opportunity to communicate with the home infrastructure, a majority of home electrical devices will be connected through wi-fi, favoring solutions we can provide.

IoTSec will apply the research in the envisaged Security Centre for Smart Grids, co-located with the Norwegian Centre of Excellence (NCE Smart).

Technology Partners


We base our service platform on software components from leading provider Axiros.

Connection Technology Systems, CTS


Norwegian ISP Enivest is a key partner for us as we develop and hone the ISP and user experience, and test new services and features

enivest logo


Turkish startup Lifemote is a close development partner for EyeSaaS in creating the next generation of monitoring and management services. Lifemote creates AI for telecom customer care; products and services for proactively identifying network issues.


Zemware AB runs the state-of-the-art Swedish data center that hosts our private enterprise cloud.

Zyxel Communications

Academic Partners

University of Oslo

The University of Oslo, through the Department of Technology Systems (ITS), is focusing on sustainable infrastructures for the digital society. Key activities address renewable energy, autonomous systems and free access to information (InfoInternet).

Environmental Policy

Eye Networks is a certified Eco Lighthouse and a member of Green Dot Norway.
Read our environmental policy
Eco-lighthouse certified
Green Dot

Technology Partners

EyeSaaS is developed and delivered in close collaboration with our world-class technology partners.
Read about our partners here


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